Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase II
Southeast Como |
Strategy | Plan Funds | Plan Total | Additional NRP Funds | NRP Total | - |
Citation | Strategy Name | Early Access | Action Plan | Phase I Rollover | Reserve Funds | Program Income | Plan Funds for Housing | Mod #s Affecting Strategy |
1.E.1. |
Good Neighbor Agreements and Pollution Reduction |
| $15,522.00
| $15,522.00
| $15,522.00
| |
1.E.2. |
Community Gardens |
| $13,000.00
| $13,000.00
| $13,000.00
| 6 |
1.E.3. |
Rain Gardens / Low Impact Development |
| 10 |
1.E.4. |
Grant Writing for Environmental Funding |
| |
1.E.5. |
Administration Costs for Environmental Goals |
| |
2.H.A.1. |
Revolving Loan Program P2 |
| $188,924.00
| $188,924.00
| $94,074.12
| $282,998.12
| $188,924.00
| 3,4,5 |
2.H.A.2. |
Emergency Loan Program |
| $50,000.00
| $50,000.00
| $50,000.00
| $50,000.00
| 1,5 |
2.H.A.3. |
First Time Homebuyer Incentives |
| $25,000.00
| $25,000.00
| $25,000.00
| $25,000.00
| 1,3,5,10 |
2.H.A.4. |
Motion Sensing Lights |
| $6,339.25
| $6,339.25
| $6,339.25
| $6,339.25
| 8 |
2.H.B.1. |
Housing Resource Center |
| $45,000.00
| $45,000.00
| $13,025.00
| $12,000.00
| $70,025.00
| $45,000.00
| 3 |
2.H.C.1. |
Solar Projects |
| 7 |
2.H.C.2. |
Grant Writing for Housing Funding |
| |
2.H.C.3. |
Administration Costs for Housing Goals |
| |
3.SL.A.1. |
Block Club Formation |
| 2 |
3.SL.A.2. |
Block Club Support |
| $135.00
| $135.00
| $135.00
| 2 |
3.SL.B.1. |
Increased Police Presence / COPSIRF |
| $11,235.90
| $11,235.90
| 8 |
3.SL.C.1. |
Aesthetic Improvements / Streetscapes |
| 8 |
3.SL.C.2. |
Improved Street / Parking Lot Lighting |
| 9 |
3.SL.C.3. |
Housing Code Enforcement |
| |
3.SL.C.4. |
Grant Writing for Safety and Livability Funding |
| |
3.SL.C.5. |
Administration Costs for Safety and Livability Goals |
| |
4.PS.A.1. |
Van Cleve Park Programming |
| 9,10 |
4.PS.B.1. |
SEMCOL Support |
| 6 |
4.PS.C.1. |
Tuttle Community School Support |
| |
4.PS.C.2. |
Grant Writing for Park and School Funding |
| |
5.BC.A.1. |
Neighborhood Office and Staff |
| $179,231.00
| $179,231.00
| $15,671.35
| $26,000.00
| $220,902.35
| $155,930.97
| 2,4,7,8,9,10,11 |
5.BC.B.1. |
Comotion Newsletter |
| $6,345.00
| $6,345.00
| $6,345.00
| $5,520.15
| 6 |
5.BC.B.2. |
Communications II |
| $6,000.00
| $6,000.00
| $6,000.00
| $5,220.00
| 6 |
5.BC.C.1. |
Community Outreach and Events |
| $15,354.00
| $15,354.00
| $15,354.00
| 6 |
5.BC.D.1. |
Grant Writing |
| $2,000.00
| $2,000.00
| $2,000.00
| $1,740.00
| 2 |
6.BD.A.1. |
Business Association Support |
| 2 |
6.BD.A.2. |
Commercial Fix-up Programs |
| $1,485.50
| $1,485.50
| $1,485.50
| 9 |
6.BD.A.3. |
Commercial Property Compliance Assistance |
| |
6.BD.A.4. |
Grant Writing for Business Funding |
| |
6.BD.A.5. |
Administration Costs for Business Goals |
| |
7.T.A.1. |
Grand Round / U of M Connection |
| 9 |
7.T.A.2. |
Bike Racks and Benches |
| 8,9 |
7.T.B.1. |
Metro Transit Buses |
| 8 |
7.T.B.2. |
University Transit Services |
| 8 |
7.T.C.1. |
Como and Hennepin Ave. Improvements |
| $1,707.25
| $1,707.25
| $1,707.25
| 9 |
7.T.C.2. |
Parking |
| 11 |
7.T.D.1. |
Stadium Area Advisory Group Presence |
| |
7.T.D.2. |
Grant Writing for Transportation Funding |
| |
7.T.D.3. |
Administration Costs for Transportation Goals |
| |
8.SCS.A.1. |
Southeast Library |
| 11 |
8.SCS.A.2. |
Southeast Seniors |
| 11 |
8.SCS.A.3. |
Restorative Justice Community Action |
| 6,11 |
8.SCS.B.1. |
Support New Community Services |
| 2 |
8.SCS.B.2. |
Grant Writing for Community Service Funding |
| |
8.SCS.B.3. |
Administration Costs for Community Service Goals |
| |
| $556,043.00
| $556,043.00
| $28,696.35
| $11,235.90
| $132,074.12
| $728,049.37
| $483,674.37
| |
Phase II Plan Allocation Available in First Three Years (80%) | $556,043.00
Phase II Plan Allocation Percentage for Housing | 87% |
Phase II Affordable Housing Reserve Fund $ |
Phase II Community-Oriented Public Safety Initiatives Reserve Fund $ | $11,235.90
** On March 22, 2004, the NRP Policy Board adopted a policy that requires each neighborhood to limit its Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan obligations to no more than 80% of their neighborhood allocation during the first three years following approval of its Action Plan. |
No. | Plan Step Modified | Approved | Description |
1 | Full Action Plan | 12/06/10 | The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $50,000 from Emergency Loan Program (Housing HA2.) to First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program (Housing HA3.). |
2 | Full Action Plan | 02/19/13 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $15,671.35 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #22 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.) The modification also reallocates $20,428 in Phase II funds to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $5,500 from Block Club Formation (Safety and Livability SLA1.); (2) $4,865 from Block Club Support (Safety and Livability SLA2.); (3) $6,384 from Grant Writing (Building Community DCD1.); (4) $500 from Business Association Support (Business Development BDA1.); and (5) $3,179 from Support New Community Services (Support Community Services SCSB1.). |
3 | Full Action Plan | 04/09/15 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $13,025 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Resource Center (Housing HB1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #23 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.) The modification also reallocates $32,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing HA1.) to the following strategies: (1) $20,000 in Program Income to First Time Homebuyer Incentive Program (Housing HA3.); and (2) $12,000 in Program Income to Resource Center (Housing HB1.). Lastly, the modification revises the wording of First Time Homebuyer Incentive Program (Housing HA3.) to include buyers of homes through a land trust. |
4 | Full Action Plan | 10/28/16 | The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $6,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing HA1.) to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.). |
5 | Full Action Plan | 06/25/19 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate $25,000 from First Time Homebuyer Incentive Program (Housing HA3.) to Emergency Loan Program (Housing HA2.). The modification also revises the wording of Revolving Loan Program (Housing HA1.), Emergency Loan Program (Housing HA2.), and First Time Homebuyer Incentive Program (Housing HA3.) to allow for funds to be used to support other housing strategies and to allow for grants. |
6 | Full Action Plan | 11/20/19 | The NCR Director approved a modification to reallocate a total of $10,345 from the following strategies: (1) $4,345 from SEMCOL Support (Parks and Schools PSB1.); and (2) $6,000 from Restorative Justice Community Action (Support Community Services SCSA3.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $6,000 to Community Gardens (Environment E2.); (2) $1,345 to Comotion Newsletter (Building Community BCB1.); (3) $1,000 to Communications (Building Community BCB2.); and (4) $2,000 to Community Outreach and Events (Building Community BCC1.). |
7 | Full Action Plan | 12/20/21 | The NCR Interim Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 from Solar Projects (Housing HC1.) to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.).
8 | Full Action Plan | 12/19/22 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $25,000 to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.)from the following strategies: (1) $8,660.75 from Motion Sensing Lights (Housing HA4.); (2) $7,025 from Increased Police Presence (Safety and Livability SLB1.); (3) $8,000 from Aesthetic Improvements/Streetscapes (Safety and Livability SLC1.); (4) $314.25 from Bike Racks and Benches (Transportation TA2.); (5) $500 from Metro Transit Buses (Transportation TB1.); and (6) $500 from University Transit Services (Transportation TB2).
9 | Full Action Plan | 01/29/24 | The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $13,806 to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.) from the following strategies: (1) $2,000 from Improved Street/Parking Lot Lighting (Safety and Livability SLC2.); (2) $6,300 from Park Programming (Parks and Schools PSA1.); (3) $2,018.50 from Commercial Fix-up Program (Business Development BDA2.); (4) $1,000 from Grand Round/UM Connection (Transportation TA1.); (5) $1,194.75 from Bike Racks and Benches (Transportation TA2.); and (6) $1,292.75 from Como and Hennepin Avenue Improvements (Transportation TC1).
10 | Full Action Plan | 09/09/24 | The NCR Deputy Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $23,700 ($3,700 in Action Plan funds and $20,000 in Program Income) to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.) from the following strategies: (1) $2,000 in Action Plan funds from Rain Gardens/Low Impact Development (Environment E3.); (2) $20,000 in Program Income from First Time Homebuyer Incentive Program (Housing HA3.); and (3) $1,700 in Action Plan funds from Park Programming (Parks and Schools PSA1.).
11 | Full Action Plan | 01/23/25 | The NCR Deputy Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $14,399 to Neighborhood Office and Staff (Building Community BCA1.) from the following strategies: (1) $3,000 from Parking (Transportation TC2.); (2) $3,000 from Southeast Library (Support Community Services SCSA1.); (3) $3,000 from Southeast Seniors (Suppor t Community Services SCSA2.); and (4) $5,339 from Restorative Justice Community Action (Support Community Services SCSA3.).